Tuesday, April 18, 2006

riding high

Very good session with DrBob tonight. Last one for a while, as I go into self-imposed unemployment, but very validating, very uplifting. He's good...he doesn't let you stay in denial very long, but he lets you get where you need to go in your own way, so it means that much more.

What a ride this past year has been. I'm in a good place. I like myself, I like who I am working to become [and may that journey never end]. I also like what I've been learning about myself, about decisions I've made, why I've made them, and importantly, how to not follow the same patterns going forward.

Regrets? You betcha. But the question is "what do you with those regrets going forward?" My answer: learn from them, make them a part of who you were, and use them to become who you want to be.

I'm doing my darnedest.

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