Friday, December 25, 2009

more memories being made

The quiet world, just after a snowstorm.

That awesome moment when you are driving and stop quickly...and a huge sheet of snow from the roof of the car comes slooshing down onto the windshield.

Going to the movies with Dad.

Showing him a few tricks for managing butter-drenched popcorn [see, sometimes an old dog can learn new tricks, and sometimes a young[er] pup can teach <grin>].

Catching up with relatives I haven't seen in a while.

Christmas eve with family, food, and quiet conversation. And no drama...a wonderful gift in itself.

Santa showing up after all, with something for me to wish and dream on.

The sound of wind howling and whistling outside, while I'm warm and cozy under blankets.

Hanging out with my nephews and getting away from things for a bit [thanks, guys].

The best present of all: time with my dad.

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