Sunday, July 22, 2007

and now the fun part...

Finished "Harry Potter" yesterday around 10pm. It showed up around noon, but I wasn't able to get started until 2p or sat there on the table taunting me while I ran around doing errands, making phone calls, and getting things settled. Even once I started reading, I had to set it down occasionally to do another load of laundry, follow up on some email, or check another thing off a 'to do' list. But I made it through it finally, and it was quite a ride.

And now the fun begins...sharing thoughts/opinions/"didja notice?" with friends who also plowed through it in record time. Yay!


I'm free of the abuse said...

I am picking it up tomorrow and will read it on Tuesday so I'm going to stay away from your blog for a few days lest you reveal anything LOL

stacey said...

Nope, not going to say a word...will be happy to chat privately, but won't be posting anything here for a while. :^)