Friday, July 13, 2007

seeking contentment

I was once questioned about my goals in answer was that my goal was to be content, that I seek contentment.

Not happiness, not as a goal. Happiness is transient; it's moments in time, it ebbs and flows. It is a point state that doesn't coexist well with some other states: you can't be happy and angry, for instance.

Contentment is a more general state of being. I can be content with my life, yet still have minor irritations, be angry, be sad, be happy, be up, be down. As a goal, seeking contentment colors every decision I make, every path I travel.

I definitely want happy moments. But striving solely to be happy can be limiting, and can lead to disappointment and a feeling of failure when you have those oh-so-human 'not happy' moments.

So I seek contentment...

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