Friday, July 28, 2006

bytes and pieces

Back in the day, I used to be really good at editing email replies...I would only include the specific text I was replying to, with the quoted text called out with a "> " in front of each line, then my replies, then the next bit of quoted text, and so on. But now, few email editors include the markers in front of replies, so it's easier to just leave the whole message at the bottom of your reply for easy reference.

I know it's an inevitable symptom of this email-driven world, but the "old school" Pine/Elm text mail user in me cringes at it. Yes, it's nice to have the whole thread available, but oh, the wasted bits!!

Sigh. I'm a bit/byte person in a gigabyte world...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

oh, the irony...

This week was when I was going to re-engage in life, catch up on email, answer the folks who've contacted me, get back into blogging, do the electronic things I've put off while I hid from the world. But the universe has other phone and DSL are down, from Tuesday afternoon through at least Friday afternoon.

So I'm taking the chance the universe has given me, and I'm staying offline a bit longer. When life hands you DSL outages, go outside and play...