Saturday, May 30, 2020

powder keg (from fb - 20200530)

(this is a post I originally made on facebook, copied here and backdated so I can look back on it later)

Global pandemic. Millions infected, hundreds of thousands dead. Over 100,000 Americans dead from the virus and its effects. Massive unemployment. Financial devastation. Systemic discrimination. Divisive politics. Fear. Helplessness.

This was a powder keg. And yes, in amongst those trying to peacefully spread their message, there are those taking full advantage of an already volatile situation...but don't make the mistake of dismissing everything and everyone involved because of that. Look below the surface to what it took to get here.

If people protested having to wear a mask and stay distanced from others for a few months in order to save thousands from illness and death, imagine generations of people being told they are less-than, seeing people that look like them being hurt and killed more and more openly by those who are supposed to protect them.

People are angry that they aren't allowed to go to bars, gyms, salons. Now imagine living your entire life with the fact that you couldn't rely on it being safe to walk to work, birdwatch in the park, drive your car, go jogging, buy some Skittles at the local store, sleep in your bed. Your life these past few months is many people's entire existence.

And because I have to try: Please try to put yourself in the other person's place. Flip the script, swap the players. Seriously think about whether you would agree if "the other side" said those things, did those things, acted that way. Think about how you would feel, react, live if *you* were the one under the knee, in the park, behind the gun, in the car, with the badge, on the ground, at the grave side.

I know you can't force empathy, and I know that our bubbles are strong and hard to break out of. But please try.

Please see people as *people*. As individuals. Not as a label, not as "other". Not the enemy, not the excuse, not as a group.

As a person.

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