Wednesday, April 26, 2006

the time has come

Well, almost. Three more work days, and then a four year stint comes to an end. I sent out a farewell message last night, letting everyone know it was my last week, thanking them, and giving a link to my highly decorated cube [which is eerily empty now]. The replies I've been getting are amazing...sweet, personal, funny, touching. That's one of the primary things I love about what I do: I get to work with so many cool people from all over the company.

It's going to be hard to say goodbye to them.


Skinny Pig said...

Hello. Nice blog. Can relate to myself because I also just left my job. Mine is 2 years. Really hard to say goodbye....

stacey said...

Hi Rina...thanks. Spending most of your waking hours with them makes it tough to say 'see ya', doesn't it? That's the hardest part...