Saturday, April 15, 2006

sniff snort cough

The good news: I'm feeling worse. No, really, that's fairly good news: it means the thing is progressing, and [knock on wood or a wood-substitute such as a laminated desktop or perhaps a nearby sheet of paper, since paper is tree which is wood, so it counts as knocking on wood, right?]...



As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by myself [Interrupted? Rudely? Harrumph? That wasn't rude, I was merely improvising based on the fact that there was no true wood surface around upon which to knock for good luck {{You know why we knock on wood for luck? It's to catch the attention of the fairies living in the wood, and ask for their blessings.}} [Hey, stop that! You interrupted my interrupting! Now THAT is truly rude!]...

...oh brother...

Maybe I'd better wrap this up and quickly [Why quickly? What, you don't trust us? We'll let you get in with it, won't we?] {{Yeah, go ahead...really.}}

AAANNNYYYYWWAAAAYYYYY.... better say this quickly before I'm interrupted again:


Whew. There. I've said it. Now you can interrupt all you want. [Nope, shan't. It's no fun to interrupt when you are expecting it. Hmmph.] {{Yeah, what she said. Hmmph.}}

So here I am, feverish and medicated [gee, ya think? just a *little* loopy...], sleeping some, coughing lots, reading much, as my immune system does its thing.

I promise not to post again until the voices quiet down.

[That's what *she* thinks!] {{yeah}} (.(Hee hee!).)

Uh oh. They are multiplying...more medication!

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