Tuesday, May 09, 2006

kathleen turner...whoo hoo

So it's a chest cold again. Well, actually, it's likely "still"...the same one that caught me a few weeks ago probably stuck around, and is resurfacing. Low-level bronchitis, or some such thing. Nothing to do but wait for it to run its course, but I've got some fun medication [medically-induced wooziness...yay!]. For the first time in a long time, I'm leaning more towards the "Kathleen Turner" voice than "Minnie Mouse". Of course, it's likely to slide right in to "Bea Arthur" before long, but that's still better than squeaking like a Disney character on helium.

The plus side: not working right now, so I can take it as easy as I need to. The down side: it's my own time, darn it...and I really would rather be out there walking, bike riding, finding bookstores, anything but feeling poopy.

Pepper is enjoying the company, though...

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