Sunday, May 21, 2006

happy birthday, mom!!

I timed my trip to Ohio so I could be here for both my mother's and father's birthdays. Today is Mom's day...and Dad went all out. She woke up to small pieces of paper scattered on the floor, down the stairs, and into the kitchen, all with birthday-related pictures and sayings [one of my favorites: one that said "I'm this many", with a hand sticking up its middle finger].

When she got to the table, there was a vulture piƱata hovering over her chair, some black roses inserted into a flower bouquet she already had, two small cakes, decorations, and gifts. Dad had gone online and found a lot of birthday articles, some humorous [the "remember when you didn't have to lock your doors" kind of lists], some really interesting [Newsweek's article on baby boomers turning mother was born in the first year of the baby boom], all very sweet. My dad is really good at these things...

So now we are relaxing, taking it easy. My sister is going to be coming over with pizza in about an hour; the boys will be here too, so we can all share the day with Mom. This is a special one [well, they are all special, but this one is especially special]...this time last year, we didn't think there would *be* another birthday to celebrate. Today, it's all about her...happy birthday, Mom.

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