Wednesday, September 06, 2006

and early turns into later...

So just as I posted the last entry, I saw that my friend in DC was on line [4a my time equals 7a her time, when she starts her workday]. Chatted with her, catching up, then sent a quick IM to my Dad to say hey...turns out Dad was online, so I chatted with him too. Enjoyed it...we don't get to chat together much, so I loved it. And while chatting with those two, I saw that Ixalon had found the first Manchester glyph, so of course I had to update my frag collection and catch up on what the boards had to say [had to, I tells ya! no choice about it! moral imperative! really!]

Two hours later, I crawled into bed at 6:30a. :^)

Gotta love teh intrawebs...

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