Monday, September 18, 2006

weekend synopsis


comedy club
rooster juice
popcorn mask
broken picture
jamie enjoying herself
catching up with david
catching up with jason
jalapeno facial adornment
throwing popcorn at jason and jeremy
jason throwing back
slippery nipple [the drink, you dirty-minded person]
winning $20
losing $20
drink tray frisbee with caleb
the cool bouncer
damned paparazzi


bbq courtesy of eileen and stephane
"royal hiltons" [and lots of them]
the cool skull bracelet given to me by rebecca and diamond
caleb and the pink hat
diamond's advice
floating leaves in the updraft of the fire
cream puffs roasting on an open fire
"I'll go if you go"
people swimming, clothed or not
antichrist nipples
antebellum nipples [see above]
calvin kleins
"you're such an exhibitionist"
branding my jeans trying to dry them out by the fire
"is wiener the same as dick?"
french toast in the morning
chloe dancing
bringing home wine, sourdough bread, and turkey [and lots of them]
damned paparazzi


wonder what else I left off the lists above

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