Saturday, September 08, 2007


New battery did the trick, though going to be cautious for a few days to be sure that there wasn't an underlying issue that contributed to the battery troubles. Can't say enough about East Bay MINI in Pleasanton...great folks, took good care of me, and best of all, their parts and service department is open on Saturday. Halle-frickin-lujah.

A very cool thing: got a call from my friend Susy this afternoon while I was in the middle of everything...she had seen the blog entries, and called to see how everything was going and to offer one of their cars if I needed it. Got text messages and email from a couple other friends, checking in and sending sympathies. You know, just when I am getting frustrated and start swearing at the universe, I get these little smacks upside the head reminding me that I have got some incredibly good people in my life. It's rare to find people that give to you as much as [even more than] you give to them, true friends that make it possible for you to ask for help by simply not waiting for you to ask for it. I'm very lucky to have found a few of those...

More updates:

Bean seems a little better [she's not crying as much, and is walking a little easier], but still not 100%, so need to keep a close eye on her. Have this awful feeling there is going to be a midnight trip to the emergency vet tonight..I really, really want to be wrong about that.

The bronchitis is getting better [to repeat: halle-frickin-lujah]. Voice still cracks like an adolescent boy, but a little more air is getting through and I'm coughing less. Need to keep medicating and take it easy to give my lungs a chance to bounce back.

Missing a champagne dinner in the city for a friend's birthday because of all the drama...though with the unexpected expenses, I couldn't have afforded the drive and the dinner anyway, so I guess it's a mixed blessing.

And now it's time to take my medication, check on Bean, and get some stuff done that had to be pushed aside while I was zooming my way to and from Pleasanton.

Thanks for the good vibes, everyone...sending hugs back at you.

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